UK based furniture manufacture
Handmade to order
Every piece of furniture by KODA is handmade to order. In a time where the trend among furniture brands is to outsource production abroad, KODA remains determined and committed to keeping all manufacture within our own UK based workshop. Where most of the production of our bespoke furniture is done by hand.
We are dedicated to continuously improving our processes and incorporating the latest technologies. Our goal is to consistently find the perfect products for your project and deliver them in the most efficient way possible, no matter what obstacles may arise.

KODA is proud that sustainability is engrained in everything we do, where good design, craftsmanship and sustainability go hand in hand. We use a diverse range of locally sourced sustainable materials, hand-selected for each project. Where all the timber is sourced with certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
We carefully select only the finest natural materials, they are durable and will age beautifully. Our furniture won't wear out in your family's lifetime.
You can also get a sense of the full material palette on offer by looking at our material sourcebook here